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Catawba County Schools are comprised of the following 3 School Districts : Catawba County Schools , Hickory City Schools , and Newton Conover City Schools . There are 40 public schools in the County with approximately 24,000 students.

Balls Creek Elementary School holds classrooms from PK- 5 th grade and has a total of 878 students. One hundred and thirty two students attend Kindergarten; One hundred and forty one students attend the 1 st grade; One hundred and forty eight students attend the 2 nd grade; One hundred forty one students attend the 3 rd grade; One hundred and fifty nine students attend the 4 th grade; One hundred and fifty seven students attend the 5 th grade. This Elementary School has approximately 60 teachers with a Student Ratio of 1:15 . Balls Creek Elementary School student ethnic background is as follows: Asian 2%, Hispanic 4%, Black 4%, and White 89%.

 Jacobs Fork Middle School has approximately 645 students attending grades 7 th – 8 th . This Middle School has a total of 48 teachers with a Student Ratio 1:13. Three hundred and six students attend the 7 th grade; Three hundred and thirty nine students attend the 8 th grade. Jacobs Fork Middle School has the following ethnic background: Asian 7%, Hispanic 2%, Black 8%, and White 83%.

Fred T Foard High School holds classrooms in grades 9 th - 12 th . Approximately 70 teachers teach the schools curriculum to 1202 students. Three hundred and sixty students attend the 9 th grade; Three hundred and one students attend the 10 th grade; Two hundred and seventy eight students attend the 11 th grade; Two hundred and sixty three students attend the 12 th grade. Fred T Foard High School has a Teacher Student Ratio of 1:17 and has the following ethnic background: Asian 6%, Hispanic 2%, Black 6%, and White 86%.

Contact information:

Balls Creek Elementary School
2620 Balls Creek Rd ,
Newton , NC 28658
Phone: (828) 464-4766
Fax: (828) 464-5396

Jacobs Fork Middle School
3431 Plateau Road,
Newton , NC 28658
Phone: (704) 462-1827
Fax: (704) 462-1600

Fred T Foard High School
3407 Plateau Rd ,
Newton , NC 28658
Phone: (704)462-1496
Fax: (704) 462-1988




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